

Anyone can be hypnotized. As long as you have normal intelligence and the ability to concentrate, you are able to be hypnotized. Research has shown that a large number of people are more hypnotizable than they believe. Individuals who keep an open mind, and who view hypnosis in a positive light tend to respond better. The more intelligent you are, the more powerful your trance, and the more able you are to change


A good hypnotist works with you to make positive, desired changes in ways that work for you and your life. If those suggestions, don’t work for you, go against your will or violates your values you won’t do them or they will fade away over time.


You can keep secrets, even lie while under hypnosis.There is always a part of you that is aware of what is going on, and taking care of you.

Most people feel relaxed, and a sense of warmth, coolness, or heaviness and it might even change during trance. You are unique, your experience might differ. And there are many types and experiences of trance, watching a TV/movie, getting caught up in a book, staring at a computer or phone and ignoring everything going on outside is trance. Or think of those moments when you daydream or just before you fall asleep or just after you wake up, when you might be lying in bed, just thinking your thoughts, those are all examples of trance.


Hypnosis is not sleeping. Some people believe they fell asleep because they don’t remember what happened while in trance, for others they say “I didn’t get hypnotized, I heard every word!” And both are true!

Trance is a very different state of attention and relaxation, and connects different parts of your brain. While you are aware of everything that happens to you while in trance, you may not remember everything upon your emergence from trance, because of the differences in brain activity between these two states of mind. Like awakening from a dream you may or may not remember everything that happened. This is no problem though, because their unconscious remembers everything that happened and got everything it wanted and needed.


Trance is a natural state. There are only 2 places to go from trance: to Sleep or to Full Waking Consciousness.

Some people go into trance very quickly and for others it takes time. If you are using hypnosis to make changes in your life, there is a lot of variety here. For different people or even different issues your changes are going to vary. Some changes can occur in minutes or over a single session, other changes might take a couple of sessions. It is going depend on the issue, your comfort with change, and a number of variables. Change is always possible, actually change is always happening, even as you are reading this. Sometimes it is quick and other times it takes more exploration and more effort.,

Hypnosis can be used to dramatically alter perceptions. Relaxation come from hypnosis helps to bring about a balance within the system, of mind, body and soul, emotionally and physically. The ancient method of hypnosis is more used as a complement in medicine where it has proved to be a valuable alternative to drugs. Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years to effectively speed up healing and relieve stress symptoms. And think of the billions of dollars drug companies spend every year testing drugs in double-blind studies against placebos. A placebo is a fake pill that someone is the study beliefs contains a drug that can cure their condition. In many cases your brain can create better results.

So as far as we’re concerned they can never be bad for your health, because it’s a naturally occurring state anyway. If you want to feel balance within yourself and with the world around you, trance is a great state to be in.

Again, – Trance is a naturally occurring phenomenon. You can not be made to do anything that you do not want to do. There is always a part of you that is aware of what is going on, and you can never violate your highest values. You can not reveal any secrets or say anything you do not want to.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro: The nervous system (the mind), through which our experience is processed via five senses:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic
  • Olfactory
  • Gustatory


Linguistic: Language and other nonverbal communication systems through which our neural representations are coded, ordered and given meaning. Includes:

  • Pictures
  • Tastes
  • Sounds
  • Smells
  • Feelings
  • Words (Self Talk)


Programming: The ability to discover and utilize the programs that we run (our communication to ourselves and others) in our neurological systems to achieve our specific and desired outcomes.

In other words, NLP is how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes.

NLP was initially created in the 1970’s by Richard Bandler a student of mathematics and gestalt therapy and John Grinder a Professor of Linguistics at The University of California Santa Cruz. They began modeling and duplicating the “magical results” of a few top communicators and therapists.

Some of the first people they studied included Hypnotherapist Milton Erickson, gestalt therapist Fritz Perls and family therapist Virginia Satir. Since then, many others have contributed to the growth and development of the field.

Can anyone study NLP? Yes, Today, NLP is widely used in business to improve management, sales and achievement/performance, inter-personal skills; in education to better understand learning styles, develop rapport with students and parents and to aid in motivation; and of course, NLP is a profound set of tools for personal development.

Some of our students include Salespeople, Business Executives, Managers, Business Owners, Lawyers, Teachers, Trainers, Counselors, Educators, Doctors, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Consultants, Hypnotherapists, Psychologists, Athletes, Entertainers and Performers. Regardless of profession, the majority of NLP participants are searching, and finding, better and more effective ways to increase their performance and improve their effectiveness.

Here is a short list summarizing some of the thinking behind NLP)

  • People are not their behaviors. Accept the person; change the behavior
  • People have all the resources they need to succeed and achieve their desired outcomes
  • The meaning of the communication is the response you get
  • Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available
  • We are in charge of our minds and therefore our results
  • There is no failure, only feedback