• Marisol F.

    "You are magical!!!"

    "It was wonderful sitting with you yesterday and chatting it up a bit on so many interesting topics. Speaking with you makes me feel at ease. I left your office yesterday feeling so much better mentally, emotionally and definitely physically. I caught the crosstown bus over to the Eastside and walked from 96th to 105th without any pain! At all!!! I couldn't believe it... I want to thank you for helping me with that... you are magical!!!"

  • Doug O'Brien

    "Joel is an invaluable member of my Mastermind Group."

    "Joel has graduated from being one of my very frequent students to being an invaluable member of my Mastermind Group. I now check with Joel before I ever unveil any new products and workshops. His NLP insight, guidance and advice is top-notch, on-target & elegant."

  • Jeannette Brown

    "Joel has been my steady through the storm."

    "I have felt consistently supported by Joel through a period of time when many other humans I counted on let me down. Joel has been my steady through the storm."